Claw Toys- Real Claw Machine tips and tricks with Q&A to help android users. Looking for Claw Toys- Real Claw Machine hack cheats that can. Claw Toys- 1st Real Claw Machine Game for Android is a non-acid game from international application maker 成都祁祥文化传播有限公司. Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Claw Toys: 1st Real Claw Machine Game on the Android, with a game help system for those. Claw Toys- 1st Real Claw Machine Game. Here's a % real live claw machine game! You could remote control the real claw machine through your phone. Claw Toys-Win real prizes for yourself. We'll send prizes to your doorstep quickly. >>Each new user gets 5 times to play for free! >>Infrared aiming mechanism. Aim at the dolls easily! How to Code Your Own Claw Machine: I, along with many other people, have childhood memories of walking into a movie theater, grocery store, or arcade and seeing a large glass box filled with toys. There was always that one toy either buried or perched right on top that I wanted. All Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins. · Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Claw Toys: 1st Real Claw Machine Game on the Android, with a game help system for those Operating System: AND.